Photos & Comments
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Ralph from Mississippi "Hangs A Six Pack" of AxeGlove equipped guitars!
Mike from Texas shows off his TWO AxeGlove' in Tie Dye Blue on his FIRST RUN
Les Paul Robot and SG Supreme guitars!
BEAUTIFUL 1978 Fender Telecaster protected by a Desert Sand AxeGlove owned by Marc from Bordeaux, France
Guitarist Derek Sanders from South Carolina with his TWO AxeGlove' in Tie Dye Blue and home and
LIVE IN THE STUDIO playing an Amazing, first run Gibson Les Paul Robot Guitar !
WOW! A Quilted Maple MojoCaster protected by a Black AxeGlove owned by Preston from Virginia !
"AxeGlove...Fits Your Axe Just Like A Glove !" ®